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The Vision of As-Salaam Village Majala, Uganda

On June 1st 2024, the trustees of As-Salaam Foundation embarked on a journey to Majala, Uganda, to lend a helping hand to a small village in need.

About Majala

Majala is home to around 1,850 people who rely heavily on small-scale agriculture to make ends meet. Unfortunately, poverty still grips this community tightly due to adverse weather, lack of infrastructure and lack of job opportunities.
The district of Mbale faces various challenges that contribute to its status as a low-income country:
  1. History of Political Instability: Uganda has experienced periods of political instability, including dictatorships and civil conflicts, which have disrupted economic development and social cohesion.
  2. Weak Infrastructure: Inadequate infrastructure, including roads, electricity, and water supply, hampers economic growth and limits access to markets, healthcare, and education.
  3. Limited Access to Education: While Uganda has made progress in expanding access to education, there are still significant challenges, including high dropout rates, teacher shortages, and disparities in educational quality between urban and rural areas.
  4. Healthcare Challenges: Uganda faces various health challenges, including high rates of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other infectious diseases. Limited access to healthcare services and infrastructure exacerbates these issues.
  5. Agricultural Dependency: The majority of Uganda’s population relies on agriculture for their livelihoods, yet productivity remains low due to factors such as inadequate infrastructure, limited access to modern farming techniques, and vulnerability to climate change.
  6. Corruption: Corruption is a pervasive issue in Uganda, affecting various sectors, including governance, business, and public services. It undermines public trust, discourages investment, and diverts resources away from essential services and infrastructure development.
  7. Population Growth: Uganda has one of the highest population growth rates globally, which puts pressure on resources and services, exacerbating poverty and inequality.
  8. Limited Industrialization: Uganda’s economy is largely based on agriculture and natural resource extraction, with limited industrialization and diversification. This limits job creation and economic growth opportunities.
  9. Regional Conflicts and Refugee Crises: Uganda has been affected by conflicts in neighbouring countries, leading to refugee influxes and straining resources and services in host communities.

Addressing these challenges requires sustained efforts in improving governance, investing in infrastructure and education, promoting inclusive economic growth, and addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality.

Our Objectives

Build As-Salaam Village

As-Salaam Foundation is spearheading a transformative project in Majala, Uganda, by building a As-Salaam Village to empower local communities. This initiative aims to significantly improve the quality of life for the villagers by constructing 30 brand new dwellings for the entire population of 1,850 residents. For the poor villagers of Majala, the houses provided by As-Salaam Foundation represent much more than just shelter. These homes symbolize hope, stability, and a fresh start. They offer protection from the elements and a safe space for families to live, grow, and thrive. Having a secure place to call home reduces the daily stress of survival and allows villagers to focus on other essential aspects of life, such as education, health, and economic opportunities. The new houses also foster a sense of community pride and cohesion, empowering residents with the dignity of living in a well-constructed, sustainable environment. For these villagers, the houses are a cornerstone for building a better future.

We still need your help!

As-Salaam have managed to already construct 15 houses (refer to “our work” tab for feedback) and we are still in need of 15 more. Each house costs £1,200 to build. Join us in this noble cause. Your support, no matter how big or small, can help provide shelter, stability, and a brighter future for those in need.

Together, we can transform lives and sow the seeds of hope in Majala.

"Nelson Mandela"

As long as poverty, injustice, and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.


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Account Name: As-Salaam Humanitarian Foundation
Sort Code
: 20-45-45
Sadaqah Account No.: 30758205
Zakat Account No.: 90491705

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