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Yemen Humanitarian Crisis

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The Current Situation in Yemen

The Situation in Yemen

Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis and is regularly ranked among the world’s worst in malnutrition rates with half of its population living in poverty. It is estimated that 4.5 million people (14% of the population) are currently displaced. Many of the internally displaced have been living in exile for years, straining their scarce resources and facing increasingly harsh conditions.

After 9 years of protracted conflict, Yemen has been pushed to the brink of economic collapse with 21.6 million of its people (66% of the population) being in dire need of humanitarian assistance in the form of basic essentials including food, medicine, water, and shelter.

Unfortunately, women and children are bearing the brunt of the crisis with more than three-quarters of all displaced people in Yemen being women and children. With rampant inflation and few livelihood opportunities, many can no longer afford basic meals and are facing heightened risks of starvation.

What As-Salaam Foundation is Doing to Help?

Millions of people in Yemen face severe hardship due to hunger, posing a threat to their survival. Join us in the fight against hunger and help provide life-saving aid and resources to those in need. This Ramadan 2024, our team plans to offer food packs and meals to as many of those in dire need.

Our malnutrition clinics aim to provide lifesaving care to those malnourished children affected saving them from potential starvation and death.

Your Donation can Make a Difference

Every contribution helps provide essential food, water, and medical supplies to those in dire need. Together, we can offer hope and life-saving support to the people of Yemen. Join us in making a significant impact during this critical time.

"The people of Yemen have come to you. They have the most delicate hearts. Faith (Iman) is Yemeni, understanding (Fiqh) is Yemeni and wisdom (Hikmah) is Yemeni."

The prophet said


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Account Name: As-Salaam Humanitarian Foundation
Sort Code
: 20-45-45
Sadaqah Account No.: 30758205
Zakat Account No.: 90491705

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