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Dedication: The Heart of Charity Leadership

Dedication is a word that gets thrown around a lot. We hear it in corporate meetings, in classrooms, and in everyday conversations. But dedication is not just a buzzword—it is a way of life, a mindset, and the very fuel that drives change. For me, dedication goes beyond simply showing up for work; it is a relentless commitment to a cause, a willingness to make personal sacrifices, and a passion that never wavers, even in the face of adversity.


Written by

Gohar Khan

Published on

September 30, 2024

As I sit down to write this blog, it is with a profound sense of gratitude and pride that I reflect on the recognition I have received as the “Most Dedicated Humanitarian NPO Chairperson 2024 (South Yorkshire)” as recognised by CEO Monthly. This honour is not just a personal achievement; it symbolises the tireless efforts of my entire team and the incredible work our charity has accomplished over the past few years. More than that, it offers an opportunity to reflect on what the word “dedication” truly means in the context of leading a charity organisation in today’s complex world.

Gohar Handing out food

What Dedication Means to Me

When I reflect on the journey that brought me to where I am today, it’s clear that dedication is the invisible thread that ties every decision, every action, and every success together. Leading a charity is not a 9-to-5 job. It is a role that demands my full attention, often requiring up to 70 hours of work each week. While many may consider this an overwhelming commitment, for me, it is the only way to ensure that our charity remains impactful, efficient, and most importantly, responsive to the needs of the communities we serve.

Balancing these hours with my personal life and other professional responsibilities isn’t easy. There are days when I begin work before the sun rises and only end when the world outside has long gone to sleep. There are times when I have missed family events, when personal time had to be sacrificed for an urgent meeting or a last-minute project deployment. This is the nature of dedication—it asks us to prioritise the bigger picture over short-term comfort, to consistently place the mission at the forefront. More importantly, Islam teaches us to treat all mankind with love, respect, and honour as Almighty Allah commanded us to do so. Allah, the Almighty, loves those who help poor and needy people for getting His pleasure. Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) says in the Noble Quran:

And in their wealth is a recognised right. For the (needy) who asks and the one who is deprived.

(Quran, 70:24-25)

But it’s not just about clocking in the hours. Dedication, to me, is about ensuring that those hours are spent meaningfully. It’s about working on projects that matter, travelling to communities around the world to see first-hand the impact of our work, and constantly searching for ways to do better. It means embracing both the administrative tasks that keep the organisation running smoothly and the ground-level interactions that allow me to connect with the people we aim to serve. The balance between both is what truly drives me forward.

Food Pack Distribution in Uganda

The Challenges of Commitment

Of course, dedication is not always an easy road. There are challenges that come with putting in long hours and committing to projects that span the globe. The physical and emotional toll can be significant. There are moments of exhaustion, times when the stress feels insurmountable, and days when the list of tasks seems endless. But dedication is what keeps me moving forward during those times. It’s the belief that the work we’re doing is too important to stop, that every hour put in brings us closer to making a lasting difference. I promised myself that I will continue to bear the hardships of dedication until my end. As Anas ibn Malik reported, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said

“even if the Resurrection were established upon one of you while he has in his hand a sapling, let him plant it.”

Musnad Aḥmad 12902

Bearing this in mind, one of the most challenging aspects of this role has been the travel. Over the past year, I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to numerous countries, overseeing deployment projects, meeting with local leaders, and ensuring that the initiatives we’ve funded are making a tangible difference. These trips are not glamorous—they often involve long flights, tight schedules, and navigating unfamiliar territories with the aspect of danger looming over you at all times. But there’s something incredibly humbling about seeing the impact of our work firsthand.

Gohar helping in the livestock distribution project

For example, I recently travelled to a remote village in Uganda where we had established an entire village of 20 homes, a clean water initiative, toilet blocks and more. The moment I saw the joy on the faces of children as they played near a water source that would drastically improve their quality of life, I knew that every hour of hard work, every sacrifice, and every missed family dinner was worth it. Dedication is about those moments when you realise that your efforts are not in vain—that the work you do has a real, measurable impact on the lives of others.

Juggling Multiple Responsibilities

In addition to the demands of travel and project oversight, another aspect of my role that requires an immense level of dedication is managing relationships—both within the charity and with external partners. The charity sector is built on collaboration, and partnerships are key to achieving our goals. This means holding countless meetings, negotiating agreements, and constantly seeking new opportunities for collaboration.

Partner meetings are a critical component of my work. They allow us to align our goals, ensure accountability, and secure the resources we need to expand our reach. However, these meetings require a significant investment of time and energy. It’s not enough to show up; I must be fully present, fully engaged, and fully prepared. Every meeting is an opportunity to advocate for the communities we serve, to share our vision, and to bring others on board with our mission.

This kind of dedication means that even when the workday is “over,” my mind is still racing with ideas, strategies, and solutions. I find myself thinking about the next deployment project during the drive home, drafting new proposals during weekends, and making time for late-night phone calls with international partners in different time zones. Dedication doesn’t stop when the workday ends—it’s a constant, ongoing commitment that shapes every aspect of my life.

The Personal Sacrifices of Dedication

When people hear about the long hours, the constant travel, and the high-stakes meetings, they often ask me how I manage it all. The truth is, dedication often requires personal sacrifices. There are days when I miss out on personal time, when I have to postpone social gatherings, and when family life takes a backseat to the demands of the charity. But for me, these sacrifices are part of a greater purpose.

I am fortunate to have a supportive family and an incredible team that understands the level of commitment this role requires. I couldn’t do this without their understanding and encouragement. At the end of the day, I am driven by the knowledge that the work we do is not just about me—it’s about the thousands of people who depend on our charity for support, for resources, and for hope.

Gohar Khan with kids in Uganda

When I think about the word dedication, I think about those people. I think about the communities that now have access to clean water, the children who can go to school because of our education programs, and the individuals whose lives have been transformed because of the work we’ve done. These are the people who inspire me to keep going, even on the toughest days.

Dedication as a Shared Value

While I may have been named the “Most Dedicated Chairperson,” this recognition belongs to everyone in our foundation. Dedication is not an individual trait—it is a shared value that permeates every level of our charity. From our volunteers to our staff to our partners, everyone involved in our work shares a commitment to making the world a better place. Dedication is not about one person’s efforts, but about the collective determination of many.

As Salaam Foundation team with kids in Uganda

Our charity’s success is a testament to the power of teamwork, collaboration, and shared vision. I am surrounded by people who are just as dedicated as I am, people who believe in our mission and are willing to go the extra mile to achieve it. Whether it’s a volunteer spending their weekends helping to organise a fundraiser, or a staff member staying late to ensure that a project proposal is perfect, dedication is what drives us all forward.

Looking Ahead

As I look to the future, I know that the challenges we face will not disappear overnight. There will always be more work to do, more communities to reach, and more problems to solve. But with dedication, anything is possible. This recognition as the “Most Dedicated Chairperson” is not the end of the journey—it is a reminder that we are on the right path, and that with continued commitment, we can achieve even greater things.

In closing, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this journey. Dedication is a powerful force, but it is nothing without the support of a strong, passionate team. Together, we will continue to work toward a brighter, more equitable future for all.

Thank you for your continued support, and let’s keep pushing forward—together.

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